Tangaroa College Bespoke Shelving Project

14 lessons

User + Object Considerations

Here's where things get specific. At this point, you need to figure what, exactly WHAT you are making and WHO you are making it for. 

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  • Workbook/digital portfolio
  • Pen/paper
  • Computer/laptop
  • Camera

Guiding questions

Think about these questions as you work your way through the lesson:

  • What really needs something to be built for it?
  • What would you like to focus on? 
  • Which teacher will you be designing for? 
  • What do you need to consider about their needs?

Lesson content

Understanding your user and their needs is absolutely vital for this project to be successful. Knowing what specifications you need to include will help you design/make something that works not only in theory but in practice. The last thing you want to do is spend a crazy amount of time and energy designing something that doesn't even meet the brief! And yes, that happens all the time.


  1. 1

    Select + Brainstorm

    • Select your objects (the things being stored) and key stakeholder. Make sure you explain and justify your choices in your workbook or digital portfolio.
    • Brainstorm all the things you need to consider about the object and the stakeholders to make your storage successful. 
    • Explain why you picked them and how that user connects to the given brief.
  2. 2

    Users and their Needs

    Brainstorm all you know about your users and their needs ... e.g. has a wooden leg, is blind in one eye so no depth perception, wants to be able to alter the shelf height themselves but isn’t very ‘handy’, loves the colour green, has a limited budget, is quite short and doesn’t want to tip toe.

  3. 3

    Anthropometric Data 

  4. 4

    Physical Needs

    • Explore and make notes about their physical needs and what they might WANT.
    • Consider: physical disability, eyesight, flexibility, height, physical fitness, taste and style, budget, how they might treat the object, how often it may get used etc.
    • Remember your measurements should be in millimetres (mm).
  5. 5

    Design Data

    • Add all the key measurements and information about the size and needs of your user/target market here as a bullet point.
    • You should have: height, strength, mobility (how much they move around), age vs danger (dangerous objects), specifics about how your objects need to be stored to keep them in good condition and safe.
  6. 6


    • Have a meeting with your key stakeholder (teacher) and show them the last two slides.
    • Get feedback and add in RED.

    Note: Hollie's examples are found below.

Hollie's Brainstorms

  1. Hollie's Brainstorms

    Hollie's brainstorms

  1. Image example 2

    Hollie's stakeholder considerations

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Environmental Considerations