I found some A4 scrap paper to make some test designs and see how the symbols might come together. This gives me options to test 4 designs quickly.
- I cut the paper into 4 rectangles and found a round lid that just fit on each rectangle to use as a stencil
- I then cut out each circle
Following the garland instructions I fold my paper circle twice to make quarters, then once more to make eighths. I drew on three symbols. NOTE: you might have a different number, and each edge is half a symbol (it will fold out into a full symbol).
- Cut out the outline of your symbols ... make sure they’re thick enough to be strong
- Open up your paper chain
- Stick the people garland on the window to assess the shape
My thoughts when in space:
- I had spontaneously changed the shape of the heads into little flames when I cut them out
- I didn’t like the result so will revert to circular heads in the next design
- It seems a bit crowded so I’m only going to fold the paper into quarters next time to simplify it
- Next I wanted the people to join at their mid point all the way around, so it’s more uniform and has a better visual rhythm, plus it will be stronger