Tangaroa College Bespoke Shelving Project

14 lessons

How could my idea be produced?

At this stage you may have settled on an idea, or may yet have decided on your 'final'. Even though this is a conceptual design project (the presentation of a design idea) - that idea must be valid. That means, you have to be able to make it! Think about it like this; you have to provide a manufacturer with all the necessary details to make your design to specification. So yeah, you have to have decided how your idea will be made.

Lesson menu


  • Workbook/digital portfolio
  • Pen/pencil
  • Laptop/computer
  • Camera (to photograph tests)

Guiding questions

Think about these questions as you work your way through the lesson:

  • What construction techniques am I needing to research? 
  • What are the steps for these techniques?
  • Will these techniques be possible to do at school?
  • What do I already know that could help?

Lesson content

Using the stakeholder feedback from the last lesson, you will need to do some research and testing on possible joinery and construction details and techniques. It is important to work realistically within the workshop and your skill level. 

Research and testing is a crucial part of the design process. It gives us a reality check - usually as things take longer than we expect and often don't quite match up with our grandiose ideas. The flip side is that testing can also provide us with happy accidents/discoveries that end up taking us to unusual and interesting places we hadn't imagined. 

When testing, you don't want to spend hours making your fully formed outcome - its best to make small ‘samples’ or ‘examples’ just to check if the idea, materials, or techniques are working for you. Think small and quick. 

Instructions - Research

  1. 1


    Using the stakeholder feedback you received, do some research into the types of joinery and construction you will need for your bespoke storage (make sure to think about what is available in our workshop and your skill level) 

  2. 2


    Compile photo examples and links to tutorials of the techniques you are planning to use. Get stakeholder feedback on these techniques and whether they are the best solution for your bespoke storage

Hollie's example

  1. Hollie's example

    Hollie's research with feedback

Instructions- Testing

  1. 1


    Test out the joinery/construction techniques you think you are going to use. Take photographs and evaluate the success. Get stakeholder feedback again

  2. 2


    Make a decision about what you will use (you may need to do this testing process a few times to check). Once you have chosen, note in your workbook how long each test took and estimate how long it will take in production

Hollie's example

  1. Hollie's example

    Hollie's testing

Next lesson


Working Drawings